Starting this Thursday, the DOE has updated their guidelines regarding COVID-19. Here are some key points:
Daily Health Screener is no longer required to enter building
Vaccination Requirements:
Vaccination is still required for all visitors entering school buildings
Vaccination is still required for all DOE employees
Vaccination is still required for other individuals who work in DOE buildings
Vaccinations is still required to participate in high-risk extracurricular activities including high-risk PSAL sports
If COVID-19 positive, students and staff must isolate for 5 days and can return to school on Day 6 if no symptoms are not present or symptoms are improving. They must wear a mask until Day 10 after symptoms started or date of positive test, whichever is earlier.
Each staff and student will receive 4 test kits per month
Starting the first day, students and staff will be offered test kits to those with a potential in-school exposure and those with symptoms
No more in-school PCR surveillance testing
Masking- Face coverings are strongly recommended to be worn when indoors. Masks will also be made available if needed.
For more information, click here.